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Thomas Turk

NameThomas Turk

Witzenhausen-Institut für Abfall, Umwelt und Energie GmbH

Telephone+49 (0)5542-9380-26


currently: Managing Partner of the
Witzenhausen-Institute for Waste, Environment and Energy GmbH

Year of birth:           1957


Graduate engineer in process engineering
University of Applied Sciences Niederrhein (1981)

Postgraduate course in ecological environmental protection,
(University of Kassel, 1982-1984)


Professional experience: 40 years, of whic

  • 1983 -1986 research assistant at the University of Kassel
  • 1986 - 2010 Managing Director of Ingenieurgemeinschaft Witzenhausen Fricke & Turk GmbH / Managing Director of Pöyry Environment GmbH - IGW department
  • 2011 - 2015 Managing partner of IGLux Witzenhausen GmbH
  • Since 2015 Managing Partner of the Witzenhausen Institute following the merger with IGlux Witzenhausen GmbH
  • Since 1989 shareholder of IGLux Ingenieurgemeinschaft Luxemburg s.á r.l. (L)

Other activities:

  • Board member of the DGAW (German Association for Waste Management)
  • Board member of HERO e. V. Hessen Rohstoffe, Witzenhausen
  • Editorial board member of the trade journal Müll und Abfall (Erich-Schmidt-Verlag, Berlin)