Benjamin Borngräber
Name | Benjamin Borngräber |
Company | BornResources GmbH |
Telephone | +49 (0) 40 / 22 86 05 50 |
Mobil | +49 (0) 176 / 233 99 608 |
Fax | +49 (0) 40 / 40 22 86 05 50 |
bb@bornresources.com | |
Profile | 20 years of professional experience in the waste management industry, management consultancy and auditing with leadership and project management experience in both a full-time and voluntary capacity. Since 2017, founder and owner of BornResources GmbH (specializing in interim management and management consulting) and Recyclingfüchse (specializing in waste consulting and the Commercial Waste Ordinance), lecturer at ELBCAMPUS and at the ISM International School of Management in Hamburg Previously employed by, among others,
Degree from the Hamburg School of Business Administration, English-language Master's degree from Bucerius Law School in Hamburg. Specialist knowledge for management and supervisory staff in accordance with EfbV and AbfAEV, as well as company officers for waste, immission control and water protection. |