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Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christina Dornack

NameProf. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christina Dornack
InstitutionTU Dresden

Institute for Waste and Recycling Management
Phone+49 351 463441 21 (-30)


Director of the Institute for Waste and Circular Economy - TU Dresden

Academic education with degree

  • 1990 - 1995, Water Management, TU Dresden, Diplom-Ingenieur

Scientific degrees

  • Habilitation: Waste Management, TU Dresden, 2013 Mentor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Bernd Bilitewski
  • 2001 Doctorate in water management, TU Dresden, 2001, Prof. Dr. habil. Klaus Lützner

Professional career since graduation

  • Since 2020, Vice Dean of Teaching and International Affairs at the Faculty of Environmental Sciences at TU Dresden
  • Since 2015, Professor of Waste and Circular Economy, TU Dresden
  • 2013-2014, Head of the Raw Materials and Recycling Department, Papiertechnische Stiftung Heidenau, Munich
  • 2010-2013, Junior Professor for Waste and Bioenergy Management, BTU Cottbus
  • 2004-2010, research assistant at the Chair of Waste Management, TU Dresden
  • 2001-2004, Scientist at Fraunhofer IKTS Dresden, Environmental Process Engineering Group
  • 1999-2001, Principal Consultant, University Planning, Department of Construction and Controlling, TU Dresden
  • 1997-1999, research assistant at the Chair of Urban Water Management, TU Dresden
  • 1995-1996, planning engineer for wastewater at SRP Schneider und Partner Ingenieur-Consult GmbH

Committees and associations

  • 2022 Board member of the German Association for Waste Management (DGAW)
  • 2021 Appointment to the VDI Advisory Board for Construction Technology
  • 2020 Appointment to the Expert Council for Environmental Issues of the Federal Ministry for the Environment
  • Chairwoman of the Scientific Advisory Board of the State Association for Recycling of the Free State of Saxony since 2017
  • 1/2016, Appointment to the Scientific Advisory Committee (RAC - Research Advisory Committee) of the German Biomass Research Center (DBFZ), Chairwoman since 2020
  • 7/2015, Appointment to the Scientific Advisory Committee “Environment” of the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM)
  • 2/2013, Appointment to the technical committee of the ProcessNet working group “Waste Management and Resource Recovery” (VDI / Dechema)
  • Since 2012, International Waste Working Group (IWWG)
  • Since 2011, Scientific Advisory Board of the German Association for Waste Management (DGAW)
  • Since 2004, Forum for Waste Management and Contaminated Sites Pirna, Chairman of the Board since 2015