1st Scientific Congress "Waste and Resource Management" 2011 - March 29-30, 2011 in Straubing
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Rettenberger, DGAW board member and initiator of the congress, welcomed the over one hundred participants on behalf of the DGAW on 29.03.2011 and emphasized in his speech the need to offer young scientists working in the field of waste management a platform where they can present the results of their theses. The congress thus not only serves the scientific exchange, but also the practitioners who want to get an idea of the state of science and future developments.

After Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Faulstich, Head of the Chair of Raw Materials and Energy Technology at the Technical University of Munich, introduced the work of the chair and gave a brief overview of the topics covered at the congress, the 25 speakers, moderated by professors from German-speaking chairs, presented their specialist papers on topics from the fields of material flows, waste management in developing and emerging countries, recycling, organic waste and landfills.

Parallel to the lectures, a poster exhibition was held in the foyer of the Science Center, where almost 30 young scientists presented their concepts for the further development of waste technology and resource management.

At the end of the first day, the approximately 110 interested participants had the opportunity to exchange experiences and ideas in an informal atmosphere at an evening event with a buffet and background music.

At the end of the event on March 30, 2011, a jury of the Advisory Board selected the best three contributions in each of the categories "Presentation" and "Poster".
In the "Poster" category, the Science Prize for Waste and Resource Management and a cash prize of EUR 500 were awarded to Ms Marlies Hrad from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna for her work entitled "Investigations into the methane oxidation performance of different cover layers before and during in-situ aerobization".

Ms Gülsen Öncü from the University of Stuttgart was awarded in the same category for her work "Influence of Aerobic In-Situ Stabilization of Old Landfills on Leachate Quality and Quantity" and Mr Thomas Schnellert from the Bauhaus University Weimar for the poster "Development of a separation process for gypsum-contaminated concrete rubble".
The Scientific Award for Waste and Resource Management for the best presentation and a cash prize of 1000 euros went to Ms. Eva Hamatschek from the Technical University of Munich for her presentation "Thermal utilization of municipal waste in emerging countries".
Awards in the "Lecture" category went to Ms Han Zhu from the University of Stuttgart for her lecture entitled "Evaluation of Landfill Methane Emission rates using Tuneable Diode Laser Absorption Spectrometer" and Mr Dennis Blöhse from the Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences for his lecture entitled "Energy recovery of organic municipal and industrial waste through hydrothermal carbonization (HTC)".

The cash prizes were made possible by the sponsorship of numerous private and municipal companies in the industry, who also supported the event with their presence.
With closing remarks by Mr. Thomas Obermeier, President of the DGAW, the congress ended on 30.03.2011 at around 4 pm. According to Obermeier, March 29 and 30, 2011 will go down in the history of waste management as the days on which the 1st DGAW Science Congress took place. An important aim of the congress was to strengthen cooperation between science and industry. In his address, President Obermeier also emphasized the new demands on the raw materials and resources industry in light of the new draft legislation and the important role of science in its further development.
The next Science Congress will take place at the University of Rostock in 2012.
Contributions to the congress:
Chapter 1 - Presentations
Part 1 Material flows
- "Landfill-free municipal waste management - material flows and environmental impact"
Dipl.-Ing. Heike Bär, TU Munich - "Material waste recycling as a tradable certificate? CO2 effectiveness of resource conservation"
Dipl.-Ing. Yves Noel, RWTH Aachen University - "Increasing energy efficiency in biowaste recycling"
Dipl.-Ing. Nils R. Bauerschlag, RWTH Aachen University
Part 2 Developing and emerging countries
- "Strategies for sustainable waste management in developing countries with a focus on the informal sector"
Dipl.-Ing. MSc. Sandra Aparcana, BOKU Vienna - "Derivation of economic principles and correlations for the establishment of sustainable and integrated waste management systems in emerging and developing countries"
Dipl.-Ing. Mike Speck, University of Kassel - "Thermal utilization of municipal waste in emerging countries"
Dipl.-Wi.-Ing.Eva Hamatschek, TU Munich
Part 3 Recycling 1
- "Used concrete against climate change ? Targeted carbonation of recycled aggregates from concrete"
Dipl.-Ing. Marko Seidemann, University of Weimar - "Long-term scenarios for raw material requirements and recycling flows using a dynamic material flow model"
Dipl.-Phys. oec. Max Marwede, TU Berlin - "Investigations into the amount of gypsum in construction waste with regard to the optimization of demolition / dismantling and processing"
Dipl.-Ing. Tabea Schulz, University of Weimar - "Assessment of the hydrolysis and anaerobic degradation of selected biodegradable plastics"
Dipl.-Ing. C.-Robert Wonschik, TU Dresden
Part 4 Organic waste I
- "Energetic utilization of mixed green"
Dipl.-Ing. Saskia Oldenburg, TU Hamburg-Harburg - "Investigation into the extraction of biotechnological products during the recycling of biodegradable municipal waste"
Dipl.-Ing. Marc Hoffmann, TU Darmstadt - "Development of a computer-aided tool for the comparative analysis of plants for the biological treatment of organic residues"
Dipl.-Ing. Christof Heußner, TU Braunschweig - "Design of a methane flow-based control system for the fermentation process"
Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Löffler, University of Stuttgart
Part 5 Organic waste II
- "Energy recovery of organic municipal and industrial waste through hydrothermal carbonization (HTC)"
Dipl.-Ing. Dennis Blöhse, University of East Westphalia-Lippe - "Biohydrogen and methane production from organically contaminated wastewater and waste by means of dark fermentation"
Dipl.-Ing. Ruth Brunstermann, Univ. Duisburg-Essen - "Substrate-specific performance of batch-operated solid matter fermentation"
Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Haupt, Univ. Weimar - "Investigation of the effectiveness of vacuum boiling treatment to increase anaerobic degradability"
Dipl.-Geoökol. Tobias Bahr, TU Braunschweig
Part 6 Landfills
- "Resource potential of municipal solid waste landfills at selected landfills in Germany"
MSc. Jörg Nispel, University of Giessen - "Evaluation of Landfill Methane Emission rates using Tuneable Diode Laser Absorption Spectrometer"
MSc. Han Zhu, Univ. Stuttgart - "In situ treatment of the Dorfweiher landfill to accelerate biodegradation processes"
Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Laux, Univ. Stuttgart - "Leachate monitoring of in-situ aerated landfills using infrared spectroscopy"
DI Oliver Gamperling, BOKU Vienna
Recycling II
- "Secondary raw material potentials from the use of deposit systems"
Dipl.-Geoecol. Sarah Weiland, University of Kassel - "Investigations into metal recovery and auxiliary material recycling to improve the material flow management of a phosphorus recovery process"
Dipl.-Ing. Ramona Götze, TU Berlin - "Thermal utilization of biogenic residues and nutrient recovery from incineration residues"
Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. Fabian Stenzel, ATZ Development Center
Chapter 2 - Poster
Part 1 Material flows
- "Waste prevention and sustainability in IT technology: Current contributions of the ReUse-Computer e.V."
Dipl.-Päd. Johannes Dietrich, TU Berlin - "Sustainable policy design through dynamic modeling and simulation of waste and resource management in future megacities"
M. Sc. Nicolas Escalante, Univ. Stuttgart - "The importance of innovative sensor technologies for sustainable resource management"
Dipl.-Ing. Karoline Raulf, RWTH Aachen University - "RUA- Resource Use Assessment"
Dipl.-Ing. Anton Zuser, TU Vienna
Part 2 Developing and emerging countries
- "Framing GHG Mitigation and Income Generation In the Municipal Solid Waste Management System - A Case Study of VER (Voluntary Emission Reduction) in Addis Ababa"
M. Sc. Ke Bi, Univ. Stuttgart - "Potential study of the CDM with regard to the development of sustainable treatment systems for municipal solid waste in Thailand"
Dipl.-Ing. Adele Clausen, RWTH Aachen University - "Characterization of decentralized biogas technology in China and review of the applicability to other regions in Africa and Latin America"
Dipl.-Ing. Jingjing Huang, University of Stuttgart - "Development of a sustainable waste management concept as an instrument for the implementation of resource management strategies in Latin America"
Dipl.Ing. MSc. Jackeline Martinez-Gomez, TU Dresden - "Healthcare Waste Management in Ghana-Case Study on Pharmaceutical Waste"
M. Sc. Samuel Sasu, Univ. Stuttgart
Part 3 Recycling
- "Increasing the electrical efficiency of waste incineration"
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Robert Daschner, ATZ Development Center - "Littering - influencing factors and collection models"
Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Heinrichs, RWTH Aachen University - "Recovery of high-quality plastic fractions from old electrical and electronic appliances"
Dipl.-Ing. Peter Krämer, Münster University of Applied Sciences - "Quantification of the grain shape influences on the processing properties of base mortars for self-compacting concretes"
Dipl.-Ing. Kathrin Ostheeren, University of Weimar - "RENEWABLE ENERGY FROM WASTE
Bachelor of Science Simone Pieber, FH Burgenland - Material-specific processing to generate biogenic fuel"
- "Concrete-gypsum separation process"
Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Schnellert, University of Weimar - "Grindability of mineral construction waste"
Dipl.-Ing. Gabi Seifert, Univ. Weimar - "Concretes from masonry rubble - Development of a process for the production of heavyweight bricks while maximizing the proportion of recycled building materials as a resource-saving recycling solution"
Dipl.-Ing. Adriana Weiß, Univ. Weimar
Part 4 Organic waste
- "Treatment of liquid hazardous waste resp. industrial wastewater by AOP, using a newly developed UV-Free Surface Reactor (UV-FSR)"
M. Sc. Ibrahim Abdelfattah, Univ. Stuttgart - "Investigations on the methane oxidation performance of different cover layers before and during in-situ aerobization"
Dl Marlies Hrad, BOKU Vienna - "Characterization of HTC biochars for use as a soil additive"
Dipl.-Ing. Anika Hendricks, University of Ostwestfalen-Lippe - "Aerobic treatment of digestate in the liquid phase"
Dipl.-Ing. Oliver Kugelstadt, TU Braunschweig - "Microalgae - utilization potential for heat and CO2 in waste treatment plants"
M. Sc. Janin Schneider, Univ. Gießen
Part 5 Landfills
- "Limited resources - evaluation wanted; Procedure supporting creation of landfill concepts in low and middle income countries"
Dipl.-Ing. Gunnar Hädrich, Univ. Weimar - "Influence of Aerobic In-Situ Stabilization of Old Landfills on Leachate - Quality and Quantity"
M. Sc. Gülsen Öncü, Univ. Stuttgart - "Stabilization of old landfills with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as oxygen sources"
M. Sc. Ing. Carlos A. Pacheso Bustos, Univ. Stuttgart