8th Scientific Congress "Waste and Resource Management" 2018, March 15-16, 2018 in Vienna
On March 15 and 16, 2018, the 8th Scientific Congress "Waste and Resource Management" will take place in Vienna. This year, Prof. Dr. Marion Huber-Humer from BOKU Vienna will host the congress.
You can find the current press release here.
The congress sees itself as a platform on which the latest results of university and university-related research, from completed master's theses and current, advanced or recently completed dissertations are presented to the specialist public. The organizer thus specifically addresses young scientists.
In this way, the congress serves the scientific exchange, but also the practitioners who want to get an idea of the state of science and future developments. The congress aims to promote networking.
A jury will select the best contribution in each of the categories "Lecture" and "Poster" and award the "Science Prize for Waste and Resource Management" at the end of the event. Scholarships will also be awarded for particularly worthy research.