10th Science Congress "Waste and Resource Management" 2020, October 08-09, 2020 online
+++WIKOnline 2020+++October 08/09+++WIKOnline 2020+++
Due to the current corona situation, the congress will take place digitally as an online event.
The concentrated resource and recycling industry will meet online in 2020 for the 10th DGAW Science Congress "Waste and Resource Management". This year, the congress will be hosted by Prof. Dr. Christina Dornack from TU Dresden.
The program planned for March remains valid.
The event will be held as a live online event on 2 mornings (08./09.10.2020) as part of a congress platform specially designed for this event. There will be a welcome event on the 1st day and, of course, the presentation of the "Waste and Resource Management" science award on the 2nd day of the congress.
The presentations - based on the program schedule planned for March 2020 - will be broadcast live via Zoom on 2 days in 6 thematic blocks via our event platform, with each presentation lasting a maximum of 10 minutes. A discussion with the speakers is planned after each block.
The event platform offers an interactive poster gallery for poster exhibitors. In addition, each poster presenter will be given the opportunity to present his/her poster and the associated project in a max. 5-minute presentation recording.
The proceedings of the 10th WIKO have been available in printed form since March 2020. For participants of "WIKOnline 2020" the proceedings will be available for download as a pdf file.
The congress program can be found here.
The press release about the congress can be found here.