11th DGAW Science Congress "Waste and Resource Management" on March 17/18, 2022
Host: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christina Dornack - TU Dresden
The concentrated resource and recycling industry met on March 17-18, 2022 for the 11th DGAW Science Congress "Waste and Resource Management" at TU Dresden.
The participants enjoyed 22 lectures, around 40 poster presentations and the guest lecture by
Prof. Dr. Annette Elisabeth Töller, Department of Policy Analysis and Environmental Policy, FernUniversität in Hagen / Member of the German Advisory Council on the Environment (SRU): "Kommunale Abfallvermeidungsmaßnahmen in 22 kreisfreien Städten NRWs.A political science research project"
Here you can find the press release with photos that was published at the end of the congress.
Information on the venue and the program can be found here.
About the congress:
The congress sees itself as a platform on which the latest results of university and university-related research in the field of waste and resource management from completed master's theses and current, advanced or recently completed dissertations are presented to the specialist public. The organizer thus specifically addresses young scientists and asks them to submit relevant contributions for a lecture or poster. In this way, the congress serves the scientific exchange, but also the practitioners who want to get an idea of the state of science and future developments. This also supports and promotes networking .